Fighting talk

The new series of ‘Gladiators’ is back after eight years, and how we’ve missed it!

We sent roving reporter, Tim Flaps, behind the scenes to meet the injury prone stars.


“Here outside the stage door we have one of the biggest female stars; Conflagration.  What are you up to Conflagration?”

“I’m not up to anything Tim; I’m just having a quiet cigar in between bouts.  And who are you calling big, anyway?”

“Sorry, I meant big as in popular.”

“Okay, as long as you’re not insinuating that I’m fat.  I’m actually big boned which helps on the platform games.  I’m the only girl who has survived a whole series without getting knocked off by Swordsman.”

“Yes, I can see why.  Which other Gladiator Stars can I interview today?”


“Well, Uproar isn’t available; she’s got the decorators in again.  Hellhole is injured with gusset friction burn from these bloody costumes and Frost is having her eyes tested after that incident where she picked up a vacuum cleaner instead of the pugilist stick.”

“What happened?”

“Instead of knocking her opponent down from the platform she sucked them off.”
“They didn’t complain, Tim.”


“So, are there any male Gladiators around?”
“You could try Oblivious, if he’s not high on glue.  Tornado is off sick after a bad curry, but Marauder should be here.  You might find him hanging around the girls changing rooms.  Or the boys.”

“One last question, Conflagration, If I was a Gladiator what stage-name would I use?”
“I think you could use your real name.”

Gladiator Tim, you mean?”

“No.  Gladiator Flaps.  Flaps as in ‘a flat thin piece used as cover for an orifice’.”




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Vets in South Molton, Devon, have started a new fantasy football league for cows.  The competing herds win points for productivity, fertility and good health.  Each herd is named after a football team so that the farmers can check their team’s progress without revealing its identity.

“Moocastle United have done well, but Uddersfield are teatering on the brink of relegation,” said a local loon. “Aston Veala and Heiferton are bullish at this stage.  It’s a high steaks game of two calves but the cream will rise to the top and then things can only get butter.”

Sorry.  Whey too many puns.

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Sped off

An unwitting passenger arriving at Japan’s Narita airport has received 142g of cannabis after a customs test went awry, officials say.

A customs officer hid a package of the banned narcotic in a side pocket of a randomly chosen suitcase in order to test airport security. Sniffer dogs failed to detect the cannabis and the officer could not remember which bag he had put it in.

In a possibly related incident an eighty year old grandmother, Hiyon Pot, has broken the world land speed record.
“It’s amazing!” said her son, Siramik, “Ever since she got back from holiday she’s been like a new woman; I don’t know what’s got into her.”

A spokesman from The Guinness Book of Records stated that although Mrs Pot achieved a speed of over 982mph it could not be accepted as a record because a shopping trolley wasn’t strictly a land vehicle.


Pot marigold



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Desperate housewives

“Microsoft Network’s relationship expert and agony aunt, Dr Pam Spurr, receives many problems from women who feel like they’re trying to do it all and failing.” 


I think they’re talking about spoilt, middle class, Western women who can’t realise their aspirations in their jobs, marriages, families and tennis clubs; not poor African women who have to walk out of their village every day to get water and food for their kids.
But perhaps I’m being unfair.
No, I just checked, I’m not being unfair.


Thank Heaven that Dr Spurr has some advice for these unfortunates (the self centered Westerners I mean, not the destitute Africans, they don’t even bother to have the internet for God’s sake!).


The first important step to take is to sit back and use a few minutes each day to think about your daily life. You need a little thinking time during times of change and we often don’t give ourselves this little bit of space. Blah blah blah etc.

• Now I want you to implement all of the “ate” words to get better balance in your life and boost your self-esteem – these are: RELEGATE, ELIMINATE, INSTIGATE & DELEGATE


She appears to have missed out procrastinate, masturbate and ruminate.
As in: ‘I won’t worry about it today, I’ll have a wank now and chew things over tomorrow during my thinking time.’ 


That’s my advice, and I should know; I’m one of the most frequent ruminators you’re going to meet.

Tennis benches

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A 29-year-old male orangutan named Bruno escaped from his enclosure at Los Angeles Zoo on Saturday evening after making a hole in the wire fencing.

Bruno roamed free before eventually returning and handing himself in.

“We were worried for a while,” said the Head Ape Keeper, “fortunately Bruno had the good sense to see that he was safer at the zoo and he got back here at the first opportunity.”

“He’s a clever animal!”

“Not that clever, the taxi driver took him the long way around and over charged him by twelve dollars!” said a knowledgeable wolf.


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The downturn in house sales is beginning to bite in the sleepy Shires of middle England.

The Open Wound sent ace reporter, Timothy Flaps, to find out how our noble estate agents are coping with the crisis.  He interviewed Chris Peduck, chief liar for a national estate agency.


“Chris, I see you’ve got plush, modern offices with deep and expensive seating.”
“Yeah, we have.  What’s it to you, Flaps?”


“I just wondered if we could go and sit down instead of me standing in the gutter and you sitting in your car?”

“No we can’t, that’s for clients only.  Hurry up now, I’m a busy man.”


“But not as busy as you were, right?”

“I admit business is not what it was but not everybody is suffering, you know.  We had a guy the other day pick up a million pound mansion at a knock down price.  The owners were desperate to sell and he got in before anybody else.”


“I’d like to interview him!”

“You are interviewing him.”


“I understand you had to let some staff go, what negative and positive effects has that had on you, Chris?”
“There’s nobody to make my bloody coffee but there’s more room in the car park.  Now get out the way, I don’t want to scratch the Roller on your cheap clothing.”


So there we are, brave businessmen like Chris Peduck are still out there buying Gin, eating Tapas and chatting up that girl from Lloyds Superdrug.  Even if means putting three photos of your house in their window instead of two, they’ll make that extra effort, only thinking of themselves.   Roller

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